It's All About Your Attitude!

jsalvador / Sunday, October 31, 2010

As designers and problem solvers, our attitude plays a crucial role in this ever-changing technological landscape.
Hardware and software technologies change but effective and elegant user experience designs last a long time
and how we create  these great experiences is highly influenced by our openness, humility and patience
to consider our audience, learn new tools and observe and absorb from what or who surrounds us.

Such is true in my recent experience involving a project that required a holistic design solution ranging
from desktop icon design todefining various affordances and behaviors. Unlike my previous experience
in Advertising and such, there were elements such as evidence-based design methodologies that I wasn't familiar
with and I had to accept that in order to learn it. I had to, and continue to remain open in order to absorb others' ideas,
experiences and suggestions. Often, it's easy as artists and designers, to fall prey to rely on our own thinking or what
we think is best and often, we fail to take others into consideration.