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Fetch data for the combobox dropdown with multiselection based on a model property.

we recently ran into a problem with igCombo, and we are not sure how to deal with it.
We want to use a multiselectable combobox dropdown with ticks defined like this:

.ComboFor(model => model.Committees)
.LoadOnDemandSettings(lods => lods.Enabled(true).PageSize(25))
.MultiSelectionSettings(msw => msw.Enabled(true))
.MultiSelectionSettings(msw => msw.ShowCheckBoxes(true))

It all works fine, until we reload the page, submit or fetch any ticked data.

Now the problem is basically:
So far, everytime we reload the page and fetch data, no matter what we previously selected, the combobox dropdown has no items ticked.
Therefore: How does the model property assigned to the combobox dropdown have to look like in C#, so the data is submitted and fetched correctly?

Thanks in advance. 

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