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Office Style Libraries - SelectedRowAppearance


On our app we're finding the visual indicator for multiple selected rows in the grid is not there. With the Infragistics Office 2007 black isl file, we've noticed a nice orange highlight for what appears to be the active row. Unfortunately as you control click other rows to select those, the active row changes nicely but gives very little or no indication that the rows you've clicked are selected.

Has anyone got any ideas on how I might deal with this. Id be happy to have the selectedrowappearance as a copy of the activerowappearance but I don't know how to get hold of the appearance object from the isl as the grid's appearances under override are not assigned.

This seems to be a common issue for us with all of the sample isl files bar a few.



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    This particular problem happens to be easy to overcome, the reason being that there is no appearance involved here.

    You can set the UltraGrid.DisplayLayout.SelectionOverlayColor right on the control, and in this case it will work because nothing in the .ISL is setting that property.

    Note that the alpha component of the color you assign to the SelectionOverlayColor is ignored if it is exactly 255 (fully opaque). All other values seem to work as expected.

    Incidentally, you could also modify the .ISL to specify the SelectionOverlayColor in for "SelectionOverlayBorderColor", and add a line just like that one, only with a name of "SelectionOverlayColor". You'll see three numbers, those are the red, green, and blue components, respectively. I'm not sure if you can provide an alpha value in there, but if you can you probably specify four numbers, with the alpha value being the first.
