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igGridFiltering Failing with error in infragistics.lob.js

Using 2015.2, when I apply a filter to my grid using the following statement:

$("#myGgrid").igGridFiltering("filter", ([{ fieldName: "Producer", expr: selectedProducer, cond: "equals", logic: "AND" }]));

I get "infragistics.lob.js:91 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined" 

From infragistics.lob.js

_validateValue: function(val) {

var loweredItems, result;
if (val === undefined) {
result = false
} else if (val === null) {
if (this.options.allowNullValue) {
result = val === this.options.nullValue ? true : false
} else {
result = false
} else if (this.options.isLimitedToListValues && this._dropDownList) {
loweredItems = $.map(this.options.listItems, function(item) {
return item.toString().toLowerCase()  << -- I believe this is the offending line
if ($.inArray(val.toString().toLowerCase(), loweredItems) !== -1) {
result = true
} else {
this._sendNotification("warning", $.ig.Editor.locale.allowedValuesMsg);
result = false
} else if (this.options.maxLength) {
if (val.toString().length <= this.options.maxLength) {
result = true
} else {
this._sendNotification("warning", $.ig.util.stringFormat($.ig.Editor.locale.maxLengthErrMsg, this.options.maxLength));
result = false
} else {
result = true
return result

If I revert and use 2015.1, all is well.

Is there some option that I need to be setting or setting differently on my grid that would be causing this?


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