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UtraWebGrid is table in UI is not showing selectable rows when the IE11 compatibitity mode is off.

Hi Team,

I have a question regarding UtraWebGrid(v14.2), could you please suggest that even adding Meta Tag() on the page for enabling compatibility mode of IE, Grid is not appearing properly as it dose normally. For reference please see the attached snapshot of grid in below reply. UtraWebGrid(v14.2) is table in UI is not showing selectable rows when the IE11 compatibility mode is off. When compatibility mode of IE11 is off that is Display intranet sites in Compatibility View and Use Microsoft compatibility list is unchecked and the list which is already added in website Compatibility view is cleared, then UtraWebGrid not showing properly as like before compatibility view is on. Below is the screenshot which cause after compatibility off.

Same page showing fine when compatibility mode is on like below:

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