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igGrid Sorting not working properly

I am using igGrid MVC helper in my project with single-column sorting enabled (local). I also have a checkbox to filter the results and rebind the grid later.

I rebind the grid in Javascript after the results are filtered (not actually filtering the results in the sample project); after filtering the results the sorting seems to stop working correctly. I am attaching the sample project to demonstrate the issue. To recreate the problem, follow the steps

- Run the project; the grid is sorted in ascending direction by "Message" field when it is loaded the first time. - Sort by "Start Date" field now. - Next, check the "Filter" button (at this time the grid is rebinded in Javascript). - Sort by "Error Message" column, - finally uncheck the "Filter" checkbox.

There are now two sort indicators ("Start Date" and "Error Message"), even though it is just sorting on "Error Message" field. Is there a way to clear the indicator on checkbox click event or eliminate the issue all together?