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WebDataGrid - user change to one dropdown must call server method to change selection in another dropdown based on data in a third column

I have the following WebDataGrid with three columns. Two of the columns use DropDownProvider, the other is a hidden column containing the primary key of the row's data. When the user changes the selection in the StateId dropdown, I need to pass the value in the hidden column to a server-side method that will change the selected value in the LocationTypeId column (the other dropdown). How should I do that?

<iggrid:WebDataGrid id="grdISOGeneralLiabilityModel" runat="server"
<iggrid:DropDownProvider ID="DropDownProviderForStateId">
<EditorControl ID="EditorControl4" runat="server" DisplayMode="DropDownList"</EditorControl>
<iggrid:DropDownProvider ID="DropDownProviderForLocationTypeId">
<EditorControl ID="EditorControl5" runat="server" DisplayMode="DropDownList"></EditorControl>
<iggrid:BoundDataField DataFieldName="RatingGLId" key="RatingGLId" hidden="true"></iggrid:BoundDataField>
<iggrid:BoundDataField DataFieldName="StateId" key="StateId"></iggrid:BoundDataField>
<iggrid:BoundDataField DataFieldName="LocationTypeId" key="LocationTypeId"></iggrid:BoundDataField>
<iggrid:Selection CellClickAction="Row" RowSelectType="Single"></iggrid:Selection>
<iggrid:EditingCore AutoCRUD="false">
<iggrid:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="StateId" EditorID="DropDownProviderForStateId" />
<iggrid:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="LocationTypeId" EditorID="DropDownProviderForLocationTypeId" />
<EditModeActions EnableOnActive="True" MouseClick="Single" />

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