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igGrid with Angular 2 Two way binding


I am implementing igGrid latest version with Angular 2 (2.0.0-rc.1). I noticed that the two way binding is not working in my grid. If I change some value of my object from Grid then my object automatically updated however if I change my object from outside the grid then it does not show inside grid 

For Example in below code If I change the value of Name property from inside the grid then it shows the updated value in my textbox however If I modify the value of Name property from textbox it does not refract the updated value inside grid. 

Id two-way binding yet supported my igGrid for Angular 2 and if yes then how I can do it. 

<div *ngFor="#myObject of objectCollection">

<input type="text" value={{myObject.Name}} />


<ig-grid [(options)]="gridOptions"


Thanks for your help
