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how to get dimension info of the cell you clicked

Hi experts, is it possible to implement the "drill down" in pivot grid? I'm imaging user can click on a cell of pivot table, then I get all the dimension information of that cell, then I can do a search against my datasrouce and show user some data. 

For example,, in this link, if user clicked a cell, how can I get which seller,which year/month/date of that cell user just clicked? 

  • 23953
    Offline posted

    Hello Sathya,

    There is no easy way to get all the dimension information. What you can get is cell, column header and row header values using the following cell click handler. 

    $("#pivotGrid").igPivotGrid("grid").element.on("iggridcellclick", function (evt, ui) {

    var colHeader, rowHeader, cellValue;

    colHeader = ui.owner.columnByKey(ui.colKey).headerText;

    rowHeader = ui.row.find(".ui-igpivotgrid-header .ui-iggrid-headertext").text();

    cellValue = $(ui.cellElement).text();                        


    Hope this helps,
    Martin Pavlov
    Infragistics, Inc.

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