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how to draw report like this

i saw this report (attached) and wanted to create it

but i dont know how to create this report.


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  • 28925
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Behzad,

    Our chart's API can achieve most of the core functionality you desire.

    1. Series
    2. Markers/Data labels
    3. Series/Legend dashes

    1. Our Stacked Category Spline series can give you the lines to appear as shown.

    2. Custom Markers - with labels can give you the circles at each point specified. 
    With a custom marker template you can add a label to the marker.  You can also find a bunch of templates listed here for the current marker shapes that we support:

    3. The DashArray property on the series can define the dashes along the lines within the chart. A custom LegendItemTemplate will give you the dashes within the legend.

    I've attached a sample project demonstrating a rough example of the features you have illustrated in your image to help you get started.

    Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.