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MVC Helper Grid and Row Selection

In your Ignite UI demo, there is an example for row selectors.  I simply want to use the default row selector, however when I use the mvc helper to create a grid, the row selection doesn't work correctly.  When you click a row, it will select it(the style is a little off compared to the demo) but after that, you can no longer change the selection.  The blue stays on the first row you select.  I don't see any js errors being generated either.  This is how I'm creating the grid:

.Columns(column =>
column.For(x => x.Group_Name).HeaderText("Group_Name").Width("30%");
.Features(features =>

//.ClientEvents(new Dictionary<string, string>() {
// { GridSelectionClientEvents.RowSelectionChanged, "ProjectsSelectionChanged(evt,ui);" }

.DataSourceUrl(Url.Action("GetGroups", new { user = "ECREA1P" })).Render()

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    Dear greg viglione,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    We have received your support request concerning not being able to select subsequent rows, and this case has been assigned to me.  I have done an initial review of your case and I have the following questions;
        a.) What is the version and build of Infragistics you are using? e.g. 16.1.20161.2052
        b.) Does this occur on a specific browser or can it be reproduced on different browsers?
        c.) Do you receive any 404 HTTP errors on the page?  Since you say the style is a little off, there may be some missing styles or scripts.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

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