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Ultratoolbarmanager IsGlassSupported property behaviour in framework 4.5

Windows forms Application, Visual studio 2012 

INFRAGISTICS v12.2 / v12.1

Tool : Ultratoolbarmanager

property : IsGlassSupported

when framework is 4.0:  no matter IsGlassSupported is true or false windows form is ok

when framework is 4.5: if IsGlassSupported is false, windows form icon is closer to left and top.

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  • 6158
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Ashok,

    This was a known issue in our older versions that surface due to a bug in the .NET4.5 framework. The UltraToolbarsManager uses the SystemInformation.FrameBorderSize to determine the width of our custom form borders. In .NET4.5, this FrameBorderSize property no longer returns the correct frame width for the OS/theme. In a later version of our controls, we were able to implement a workaround that calculates the true size of the window frame border instead of relying on the static FrameBorderSize property. This workaround was added in a 13.2 SR, and should work properly in the current product release.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

