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ViewStyle = XPExplorerBar and VisualStudio2005 are the only viewstyles that collapse the WinExplorerBar in 16.2 when clicking the button in the Group header

I am using the Version 16.2 winforms and have today added a WinExplorerBar on to a tabpage of Ultratab control.

If I set the ViewStyle to anything other then = XPExplorerBar or VisualStudio2005 the WinExplorerBar will not collapse, it is in a fixed, expanded state.

I have tried a number of different settings and nothing alters this behavior.

I am using the WinExplorerBar with group style = controlcontainer. I thought that maybe the controlcontainer1 area was overlaying the button as visually this appear to be an issue except in  XPExplorerBar or VisualStudio2005 so I tried to manually control/ edit the size of that control so it was not overlaying the button to collapse the WinExplorer Bar but it does not make any difference.

This appears to be either some undocumented mix of configuration settings required to make the Default, XP, Office2000,Office2003 and Office 2007 View styles collapse the WinExplorerBar or it is a software issue. Please advise.

  • 2155
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Stephen,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support.

    I followed the steps you suggested and was unable to reproduce the behavior you are describing.

    I have attached the sample project I used to test this. In this sample, I'm setting UltraExplorerBar's ViewStyle to Office2000.
    Please test this project on your PC; whether or not it works correctly may help indicate the nature of this problem.

    Thank you,
    Mihoko Kamiishi
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