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display field summary based on a different field


I'm using v16.1.

I have a situation where I want the summary of one column to be based off a second column.  For instance, think of a grid containing unit cost, quantity, and extended cost.  I only want to show unit cost and quantity in the grid, but i want the summary row for unit cost to actually be the sum of the extended cost.

This seems like it would be fairly simple, but I can't seem to find anything to guide me.  Is there a simple way to do this?



  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Steve,

    Thank you for your post.

    In order to have a summary be based off another summary in the XamDataGrid, I would recommend using the external summary calculation functionality of the XamDataGrid, which essentially allows you to determine the summary for a Field manually. This would allow you to look at your data, the summary that is being applied, and your XamDataGrid Field that it is being applied to and decide whether or not you wish to return the built-in summary value for that Field, or one of your own. You can read further about external summary calculations in the XamDataGrid, here:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

    Associate Developer