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Filter large data sets

We connect to large data sources, with sometimes hundreds of thousands of records.  To mitigate the issue of loading the entire data set into the grid, we created a custom filter to limit the SQL query to a specific month and number of transactions.  The main issue is that the custom query filter (Month/transactions to return) and the grid filters are not aligned and thus the results are wrong. 

So for example let’s say I have 1000 records in Jan (400 for product A and 600 for product B). In my screen I select the custom filter for Jan and select to return 500 records.  The data grid is populated with 500 records.  Next I use the grid filters to limit to say Product B.  The grid filters the results down to just product B but it only returns 100 records.  The issue here is that the SQL query is just populating the grid control based on TOP 500 records for January.  The result will be 400 of product A records and 100 of product B.  However, the desired result would be 500 records of Product B.

So to make this work correctly, the query would actually need to return results both on the custom filters and the grid filters.  Is this possible? Or does anyone have feedback on best practices to apply in this scenario? 
