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Gauge image missing seemingly randomly


 I am using a number of gauges in a dashboard set up ( 2.0, IGv8.1) and occasionally a gauge will not show up when the page loads.  If I refresh the page the gauge then shows.   My deployment scenario is as follows:

        UltraGauge1.DeploymentScenario.ImageType = GaugeImageType.Png;
        UltraGauge1.DeploymentScenario.DeleteOldImages = true;
        UltraGauge1.DeploymentScenario.Mode = ImageDeploymentMode.FileSystem;
        UltraGauge1.DeploymentScenario.ImageURL = "~/images/SalesForce/Gauges/TargetKpi/Gauge_#CLIENT_#SESSION.#EXT";
        UltraGauge1.DeploymentScenario.FilePath = "~/images/SalesForce/Gauges/TargetKpi";

 The image url on the initial page load is:


And then when I refresh the page it is:


You can see how the timestamp (I'm guessing that's what "t" is) has changed slightly.  This behaviour happens both locally, and when my site is deployed on a server.  I'd say about 95% of the time the gauge image appears correctly, and the other 5% I need to refresh the page.  I don't think an image has ever failed to load for me on refreshing.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.





  • 28496
    Offline posted

    first of all, to the OP, i'm sorry that your message was somehow overlooked, and I hope you got an answer to your question back in 2008.

    now, as to why the images are not getting generated - do you see anything in the Event Log on your web server?  do you notice that the ASP.NET worker process gets restarted at the same time that this happens?  Does it still happen if you set DeploymentScenario.DeleteOldImages = False?  And are you using single web servers, or a web farm?

    There isn't a single known cause for this problem, but the above questions could provide us with some clues to diagnose what is happening.

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