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popup window?

Hi. I am Marko.

How do I make popup window just like the options window You made on this sample page (I repeat OPTIONS WINDOW):



<optPanel:OptionsPanel HeaderText="{Binding Source={StaticResource Strings}, Path=XDW_Options}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Margin="5">
  <Button Content="{Binding Source={StaticResource Strings}, Path=XDW_ShowDialog_Plain}"  Height="22" Margin="0,0,0,10"></Button>
  <Button Content="{Binding Source={StaticResource Strings}, Path=XDW_ShowDialog_Container}"  Height="22" Margin="0,0,0,10"></Button>
  <Button Content="{Binding Source={StaticResource Strings}, Path=XDW_ShowDialog_MessageBox}"  Height="22"></Button>

 The thing is I want to make exact same thing and that includes: shadows around the edges, movable ,semi transparent when moving, expandable on that + - button. Only difference I would make it pop up on some button click and it would have fade-in appearing effect. I like it very much but I don't have the code for that custom control. Can You please paste all the required code and instructions here how to do this. It would be very cool. Thank You.

Parents Reply
  • 1420
    posted in reply to Stefan

    Hi Stefan, I have one interesting question:

    How do one make a template for printing a report to look something like this:

    Note that this is NOT table-like report  THAT PRINTS DATA ONE LINE BELOW THE OTHER, this is report that has specific part of the page reserved for specific data like for example top left corner reserved for customer name, top center reserved for report title (big letters) ect..

    I have tried so far something like this:

    Report report;

    report = Application.Current.Resources["Report1"] as Report;

    xamGridAktivnosti.ItemsSource = listaAktivnosti;
    report.ItemsSource = e.Result;

    report.EndPrint += (s, e) => MessageBox.Show("Dokument je odštampan.");

    report.BeginBuildReportItem += (s, e) =>
         var item = e.DataContext as Aktivnosti;

    report.BeginBuildReportFooter += (s, e) =>


    But this prints data line below line, and I don't  need that, I need templated report, How do I do this?

    Best regards,


