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WebDataGrid in a Sharepoint 2010 webpart


I have a WebDataGrid that I have put in a webpart using Visual Studio 2010 (Sharepoint solution).

The grid populates and displays data ok but unfortunately I dont see the filtering functionality.

I used the APTCA (are these known as akido controls?!) dlls and have modified the sharepoint web.config.

The link to setting up sharepoint using Akido controls is not working here:

What else must I do to ensure that I get the full functionality out of this control on sharepoint?




I added the following to sharepoint site's web.config:

<SafeControl Assembly="Infragistics35.WebUI.Shared.v11.2, Version=11.2.20112.1019, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToke=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb" Namespace="Infragistics.WebUI.Shared" TypeName="*" Safe="True" />


<sectionGroup name="SharePoint">

      <section name="infragistics.web" type="System.Configuration.SingleTagSectionHandler,System, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />  


My grid on sharepoint looks like:


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