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How Uninstall Infragistics NetAdvantage for Windows Forms 2011.1 Help

After upgrading to 2011.2 I'm trying to uninstall 2011.1. While unistalling the help product mentioned above, I got error message that VS2005 and VS2008 could not be detected on the machine and the uninstall process is terminated.

The same probem is while removing the help.

I could remove the 2011.1 VS2010 help succesfully.

How I can remove all the 2011.1 help from my machine?



  • 9190
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Markus,

    I have assisted you with this issue using case number CAS-89378-PZHC07. I provided steps to modify critical registry keys for Visual Studio, hence allowing you to uninstall the help files for the previous version of NetAdvantage.

    Please let me know if you have additional questions regarding this matter.

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