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The problem with using InfragisticsSL4.Controls.Menus.XamRibbon.v11.1

Good afternoon.
Previously worked on Windows XP, everything worked fine.
Switched to Windows 7x32, there was a problem during installation InfragisticsSL4.Controls.Menus.XamRibbon.v11.1.
  Create an application for Silverlight4, using other components InfragisticsSL4, all is well. Adds a reference to an error compiling InfragisticsSL4.Controls.Menus.XamRibbon.v11.1 "
Could not load file or assembly 'InfragisticsSL4.v11.1, Version = 11.1.20111.2266, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 7dd5c3163f2cd0cb' or one of its dependencies ". What could be the problem?

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