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Documents.Word Alighting image in header

Just started looking at the Infragistics.Documents.Word stuff to create a word document.

How do I align an image in the header to the right? It aligns fine to the top but only as far as the margin to the right.

Dim doc As Document = New Document()

Dim documentName As String = Application.StartupPath & "\SampleWordDocument.docx"
Dim sec As Section = doc.Sections.Add(para)

' Header
Dim headerPara As Paragraph = sec.HeaderAllPages.ContentBlocks.AddParagraph()
' The header text alignment is set to right
headerPara.Properties.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right

' Get Image
Dim img As Image = Image.FromFile(Application.StartupPath & "\header.png")
' Create an Anchored Image to display in the Header
Dim anchPic As AnchoredPicture = doc.CreateAnchoredPicture(img)

' Display Anchored Image in Header

anchPic.VerticalAlignment = AnchorVerticalAlignment.Top
anchPic.HorizontalAlignment = AnchorHorizontalAlignment.Right