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my date is always being displayed one day behind

I have an igGrid where one column is a date.  For some reason, the date displayed is always one day behind the date's value.

The column definition is:

    { headerText: "Settlement Date", key: "settlement_date", dataType: "date", format: "MM/dd/yyyy" }

I have the page displaying the JSON source data, which is:

    [{"settlement_date"=>"2013-04-17", ...

But yet the igGrid displays "04/16/2013" instead of 4/17.

If I change the dataType to "string", then it displays "2013-04-17".  So it appears to be Ignite's conversion to "date" that is screwing it up.  (This would be ok, except that I can't format it now.)

Can someone please clue me in on what's going on and how I can fix it?


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