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Select an alternate column to be used for row labels, and toggle between the primary and secondary labels

Several of the Chart Types indicate this can be done but don't provide any insight.  Does anyone have an example of switching between different columns in data table for axis labels ?


  • 53790
    Suggested Answer

    Hello schradg1,

    I`m not sure that I understand well your requirements and final goals, but one possible approach to switch between different column`s data could be:

    Option 1: Using ultraChart1.Data.SwapRowsAndColumns =true;

    Option 2: To assign a new Column/Row labels through methods:



    Option 3 : Using DataBind methods and specify which column to be for labels and values. For example:

    NumericTimeSeries series1 = new NumericTimeSeries();

    series1.Label ="test";

    series1.DataBind(dt,"Period", "Value", "Period");

    series1.PEs.Add(new PaintElement(Color.Red));

    Let me know if you have any questions, or if you think that I misunderstand your requirements.


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