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UltraTextEditor Copy Cut Paste Shortcuts


We are using NetAdvantage 7.3. We have a windows form containing a bunch ultratexteditors. I cant seem to enable the Copy, Cut & Paste shortcuts ^C ^V etc.

How does one turn these on?


  • 22852
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted


    This behavior should be enabled by default.  Do you by chance have a toolbar with a shortcut that overrides this behavior or a context menu?  If not, does it work if you create a new project and add an UltraTextEditor to the form?

    If yes, then there is something specific in your application that prevents the behavior and I will need more details about your application to assist you.  If no, then maybe something else in the environment and you should provide more details about your environment.

    Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.

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