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Trying to combine Row Selection and Sorting behaviors on WebHierarchicalDataGrid

I'm having trouble coding a WHDG for both Sorting and Row Selection behaviors on post-back.

I have several behaviors and events configured including Row Selection Changed.

    <cc1:QueryResults ID="QueryResults1" runat="server"

         AutoGenerateBands="False" AutoGenerateColumns="False"




         Height="450px" DefaultColumnWidth="100px" Width="100%"


         onload="QueryResults1_Load" >

         <ClientEvents Initialize="queryEventInitGrid"/>

         <GroupingSettings EnableColumnGrouping="True" InitialRowExpandState="Collapsed"

                     ShowBandInGroupByArea="False">         </GroupingSettings>


             <ig:SummaryRow Enabled="False" EnableInheritance="True"></ig:SummaryRow>


             <ig:Selection CellClickAction="Row" RowSelectType="Multiple"

                 CellSelectType="Multiple" EnableCrossPageSelection="True">


             <ig:Paging PagerCssClass="leftPaging"></ig:Paging>


             <ig:Sorting SortingMode="Multi"></ig:Sorting>




I have EnableViewState = true and EnableDataViewState = false and am setting the database on Post-back in Load event of grid.

if (IsPostBack && QueryResultsData != null)


    DataTable dt = (DataTable)QueryResultsData;

    QueryResults1.DataSource = dt.DataSet;



I have another button which fires an event to be handled on the server, where I need to determine which rows are selected.

I find that the RowSelectionChanged event will not fire and when I test GridView.Behaviors.Selection.SelectedRows.Count, I always get 0 regardless of how many rows are selected.

In testing various scenarios, I removed the DataBind call and find that the row selection started working!  The event fired and the SelectedRows had the right rows.

However, if I don't call DataBind, Sorting stops working. 

Am I doing something wrong?  Is there a better approach?



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