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Added features to the freehand markup capability to allow for more accurate note-taking

Many of our executives utilise hard-back diaries/day-books and we would like to see the capability to record such notes into a blank page document added, such that these notes can be saved back to their MySite or kept locally.

Capture of markup in a raster/pixel based format, allowing easy erase and correction – Currently to make a correction I have to “undo” a markup change (or a series of changes) to correct an error.  An “eraser” function to allow me to rub out markups would be key to allowing this feature, although it is likely to require a completely different approach to markup capture and rendering as individual stylus strokes seem currently to be stored as discrete objects.

A zoomed area on a document to allow for more accurate notetaking – Whilst you can zoom in to make a close up change, we would like to see a popup/zoomed area to show and allow edits close up.  This will greatly improve the quality of note taking for pages and leverage the improving quality of the stylus devices present (including those with Bluetooth).  Should also address Palm rejection to enhance handwriting accuracy.  Other products also auto-scroll as you write so that you can continue to write in the zoomed area without needing to move the zoomed box over the underlying document. 

Creation of new documents based on blank stationery  - With lined/squared “paper”, paginated, numbered, dated… with a capability to save to pdf.  Other products seem to achieve this through providing the stationery as a pdf document with the freehand edits representing personal notes.  Basic flowchart drawing also useful for quick manual sketching.  The ability to embed photo’s is also useful when noting for example a whiteboard picture after a long meeting’s brainstorming.

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