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Problem with exported SQL Server Date fields to Excel Spreadsheet - Infragistics.Excel.Worksheet

Hello Infragistics Support,

I have taken over an ASP.NET web project for an application which exports data
from a SQL Server to Excel Spreadsheets using Infragistics for ASP.Net.

The technique which is currently used is that GridViews are bound to the
SQL Data Source (sourced from a stored procedure).
The content of the GridViews is then exported to an Infragistics.Excel.Worksheet.

Here a short extract of the code:

Infragistics.Excel.Workbook exportWB = new Infragistics.Excel.Workbook();       //creates workbook        
Infragistics.Excel.Worksheet CRWrks = exportWB.Worksheets.Add("CR");  //creates worksheet
this.UltraWebGridExcelExporter1.Export(GridView_CR, CRWrks);   //Export of GrdiView data to worksheet

//the download part of the web application
Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
string exportFileName = "DataExport_" + guid.ToString();
UltraWebGridExcelExporter1.DownloadName = exportFileName;
exportWB.Save(Server.MapPath(@"..\Exports") + @"\" + exportFileName);

The Spreadsheet is sent to the client browser without problems and
the data are filled into the worksheets, however the problem we have can be described as follows:

The data in the SQL database GridView contain dates in the format "DD/MM/YYYY".
The user wishes to sort the data in the Spreadsheet by date chronologically.
The exported Excel Spreadsheet (*.xls) displays the dates only as cell format "General".
Even when a manual change of the column's cell format to "Date" is applied, the
column cannot be sorted chronologically.
Excel still sees it as a string/Text and can only sort it alphanumerically.
Various attempts to "value"-copy data into new columns in the same workbook
and to change date formats (as delivered from SQL Server & complying to regional settings)
did not solve the problem.

Only copying the data out to a text editor and pasting the data back into a
new workbook with a new worksheet, allows changing the date columns to "Date"
whereas the sort filter works fine now.

This process anyway is absolutely inconvenient for the user and cannot be accepted.

Is this problem known and does a solution exist?
How can we force on creation of the worksheet that the column-cell format is set to Date? (Would this solve the problem anyway?)

Thank you very much in advance for your support

Kind regards,


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