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WebDataGrid - adding a fixed column causes my rows and columns to lose it's realignment


I have a WebDataGrid pulling auto generated columns base on the user selection. The user also ask for the first column to be locked all the time so column fixing behavior was implemented behind the code.

ColumnFixing behavior = this.WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.GetBehavior<ColumnFixing>();
if (behavior == null)
behavior = this.WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.CreateBehavior<ColumnFixing>();
//Fixes the CustomerID column on the left
behavior.FixedColumns.Add(new FixedColumnInfo("CustomerId", FixLocation.Left));
behavior.ShowFixButtons = false;
behavior.AutoAdjustCells = true;
behavior.ShowLeftSeparator = false;
behavior.ShowRightSeparator = false;

Everything works normally until the user adjust the column header width, then we started to see the rows and columns not aligning properly. And when scrolling from left to right, the rows would scroll OR the column headers would scroll. Is there a fix for this? is this a bug? Please advise on a solution. Thanks!

  • 10685
    Offline posted


    Did you had the chance to try my suggestions and run the attached sample? Please let me know what is the progress of this issue and if you require further assistance!

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