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Demo code does not render anything

I tried the demo at this link:

When I run the full code with my js files included, the page is blank.  I viewed the demo delivered with the software.  Running the loader, it loads approximately 420 js and css files.  Can someone tell me what is actually required to use igGrid?  Is there a minimal set of scripts.  I don't want to use Loader (the demo doesn't). 

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  • 71886
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Van Gunkel,

    Here you can find only the necessary scripts for the grid and the other controls:

    You need to reference only those. You are completely right that in production, relying on performance, it's not a good practice to load bunch of scripts that you do not need.

    Please let me know if this helps and if I can be of any other assistance!

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