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swapping content with outlook bar not working

Hello. I swap the content out using the <ContentControl> tag based on something click in the XamOutlookBar control. When I click on a particular OutlookBarGroup a command is sent to the view model to swap out the content in a certain part of the main window as per the code block below.

<ContentControl  Content="{Binding CurrentPageViewModel}" Grid.Column="1" />

private void OnBarGroupClick(object barGroupKey){
if (barGroupKey.ToString() == "LogsBarGroupKey"){CurrentPageViewModel = _logsViewModel;}

So when clicking on bar group everything works fine. One of the bar groups contains a tree as so:

<TreeViewItem Header="Station Reporting" Name="StationReportingTree">
<TreeViewItem Name="VariousReportsItem" Header="REPORTS"/>

When I click on the VariousReportsItem in the tree a command is sent to swap out the content since there will be various reports.

private void OnReportSelection(object treeViewItemName){
if (treeViewItemName != null){
if (treeViewItemName.ToString() == "VariousReportsItem"){
CurrentPageViewModel = _variousReportsViewModel;}}

So I can see the OnReportsSelection method being reached and the CurrentPageViewModel = _variousReportsViewModel statement gets executed but the content does not get swapped out and I have no idea why. 

I've included a sample project with this issue. Thanks.
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