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Context Menu related question


   I have a context menu on my xamdatagrid. When I select the menu option, I want to be able to open a popup window with some input fields. I want to be able to read the fields entered by the user in the popup window and do some changes to the data in the xamdatagrid. How do I go about this?

Thank you

  • 16495
    Offline posted

    Hello Lalasa,

    Thank you for your post.

    I have been looking into your issue and I can suggest you create a ContextMenu for DataRecordPreseter instead of XamDataGrid. You can create a command for the MenuItem of ContextMenu and as Command Parameter you can set the DataItem of current record where is the cursor of the mouse. I created a sample application based on your scenario  to show you how you can implement the functionality that you want achieve. In the sample I created a command that get the data that current row contains and  show the Dialog window.

    Please let me know if you need any further assistance on this matter.

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