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TabbedMdi and UltraDockManager slection problem

I've got a tabbedMdi and an ultraDockManager on my form.
It's similar to VisualStudio 2012.
When I click on the ultraDockHeader it get's its active color, when I click on the mdiTab, color is set to normal.
But it doesn't work the other way round.  When I click on a ultraDockHeader, the mdiTab doesn't loose its active color. Both are selected, but the focused one is the ultraDockControl.

How can I solve this problem. I only need to know how to change the color of the mdiTab, to simulate a lost focus.

Thanks for your help,

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  • 28925
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Max,

    This behavior is to be expected because the dock controls and the mdi tabs are two separate controls. Because only one dock control can be selected by default you can change it's focused appearance. However the docked controls' caption area will not change focus by default. I attached a sample that demonstrates this below. It includes a couple docked controls that change their appearance when focused.

    The tabs in this scenario are never focused, just selected and active. You can handle the PaneActive event and determine which control is active and modify the tabs back ground color.

    Let me know if you have any questions.
