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Is XamGrid GroupBySettings compatible with AllowAddNewRow?

I have a XamGrid v13.1:

        <ig:XamGrid AutoGenerateColumns="false" ItemsSource="{Binding Configs}" Name="TheGrid" >
                <ig:AddNewRowSettings AllowAddNewRow="Bottom" />
                <ig:TextColumn Key="Asset" />
                <ig:TextColumn Key="Maturity"/>

At run time, the AddNewRow is visible, as expected.

Then, in code behind, I group by the Asset column:

        private void GroupByAsset()
            Column assetColumn =
                TheGrid.Columns.DataColumns.FirstOrDefault(col => col.Key == "Asset");


            assetColumn.IsGroupBy = true;

Now at run time, the rows are grouped by Asset as expected, but the AddNewRow is no longer visible.

Is there a way to have the GroupBySettings and AllowAddNewRow functions simultaneously?

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