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column "Surveyor" is combobobox and it is filtering on "SurveyorID". Instead, I want to filter based on the text showing in the combobox of iggrid.

Hi Team,


I want to filter column based on text instead of an integer.


The column data is supplied to iggrid as integer value and reformated as


{ headerText: "Surveyor", key: "SurveyorID", dataType: "string", formatter: formatSurveyorCombo, width: "20%" }.


The column "Surveyor" is combobox and it is filtering on "SurveyorID". Instead, I want to filter based on the text showing in the grid of the combobox.


 Below is the sample code:

function LoadInvoiceLanguageListINGrid(datasource) {

                var showInactiveColumn = GetInactiveCheckboxValue();



                    primaryKey: "InvoiceLanguageID",

                    autoGenerateColumns: false,

                    width: "1024px",

                    renderCheckboxes: true,

                    aggregateTransactions: true,

                    updateUrl: '@Url.Content("~/PickList/SaveInvoiceLanguagePickList")',

                    columns: [

                        { headerText: "Invoice Language ID", key: "InvoiceLanguageID", dataType: "number", width: "20%" },

                        { headerText: "Surveyor", key: "SurveyorID", dataType: "string", formatter: formatSurveyorCombo, width: "20%" },

                        { headerText: "Company", key: "NominatingCompanyID", dataType: "string", formatter: formatCompanyCombo, width: "20%" },

                        { headerText: "Inactive", key: "Inactive", dataType: "bool", width: "20%" },

                        { headerText: "Text", key: "Text", dataType: "string", width: "20%" },




                    dataSource: datasource,

                    features: [


                            name: 'Hiding',

                            enableVerticalRendering: false,

                            columnSettings: [


                                    columnKey: 'InvoiceLanguageID',

                                    allowHiding: true,

                                    hidden: true




                                     columnKey: 'Inactive',

                                     allowHiding: true,

                                     hidden: showInactiveColumn //true






                            name: "Selection",

                            mode: "row",

                            multipleSelection: false,

                            touchDragSelect: false, // this is true by default

                            multipleCellSelectOnClick: false



                            name: "Sorting",

                            type: "local"




                            name: "Filtering",

                            type: "local",

                            mode: "simple"




                            name: 'Updating',

                            editMode: pickListGridEditMode,

                            enableAddRow: pickListGridEditMode == 'none' ? false : true,

                            enableDeleteRow: pickListGridEditMode == 'none' ? false : true,




                                        columnKey: "Inactive",

                                        editorType: 'bool',




                                        columnKey: "SurveyorName",

                                        editorType: 'combo',

                                        validation: true,

                                        required: true,

                                        editorOptions: {

                                            mode: "dropdown",

                                            dataSource: jsonsurveyorName,

                                            textKey: "Name",

                                            valueKey: "SurveyorID"





                                        columnKey: "CompanyName",

                                        editorType: 'combo',

                                        validation: true,

                                        required: true,

                                        editorOptions: {

                                            mode: "dropdown",

                                            dataSource: jsonNominatingCompanies,

                                            textKey: "Name",

                                            valueKey: "NominatingCompanyID"






                                        columnKey: "Text",

                                        editorType: 'string',

                                        validation: true,

                                        editorOptions: { required: true }








Please reply on the same ASAP.

Early response would be appreciated. 


Poonam Chauhan


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