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ExcelExporter Cannot adjust column width in EndExport

Hello All, I am fairly new to infragistics and am working on a web app that uses 2008 ultrawebgrid and excelexporter.  The problem is that when the sheet exports, most of the columns are sized appropriately but there is a column (comments) that is much to wide in the exported document.  I trap the endexport event and try to set currentworksheet.columns(19).width but this seems to have no effect.  I considered that it might be whitespace but I thoght the exporter would ignore whitespace.  At any rate I did an RTRIM on the SQL that populates that column and it had no effect.  Any help would be appreciated.

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    Hi All,

       I am facing ultrawebgrid problems in IE11 in application.

    Below code is not working  in Crome and IE 11.

    igtbl_getGridById("GridName"); but same code is working in IE 10 ,IE 9 and IE8.

    Please provide the solutions for me.

    Thanks in advance


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