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Child list with nested classes

Hello community!


I have a problem with displaying hierarchical data which I retrieve from a database. For the example app I have built a simpler example:

MyComponent has a list of ComponentToMaintenance (1:n)
ComponentToMaintenance has an ID, and references MyComponent and MaintenanceTask. ComponentToMaintenance resolves the (M:N) relation between MyComponent and Maintenance Task
MaintenanceTask references MaintenaceInterval (n:1)

I load the object structure into an observable collection. The content is displayed in the grid including the '+' as indicator that child entries could be found. If I click on the expansion sign, I see the list with the correct amount of the child entries. The problem is, that the property values are not displayed for the child entries.

Attached please find the sample solution "GridProblemChildGrandChild.rar".

In the project "GridViewProblem.Shared\DataClasses" you find the classes for my datastructure.
In "GridViewProblem\ViewModel" I create the data in the method "GenerateTestData"

Thank you for your help.

Parents Reply Children