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xamGrid binding path

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find an answer to this question.

I'm currently using Silverlight to populate a xamGrid using WCF RIA Services and the Entity Framework.

The data I'm binding to is not flat in structure, i.e. I have a collection of entities that include other related entities.

My problem is when I bind the itemsSource for the xamGrid, the standard text columns seem to expect a flat data source

(i.e. I can only specify a "Key" property that points to a property that is directly on my ItemsSource entities).

I cannot seem to bind to a subproperty.


Ex: I have a "Car" Entity that contains several "Wheel" Entities.

How do I display properties from the Car and Wheel entities in a single row in the grid ?

With the regular silverlight datagrid, I can specify the column binding as :


<sdk:DataGridTextColumn Header="Car Make"       

Binding="{Binding Path=Car.Make}"       /> 


<sdk:DataGridTextColumn Header="Wheel Size"      

Binding="{Binding Path=Wheel.Size}"       />


I guess my question is "is there a way to specify a binding path to a sub-property using the xamGrid ?"





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