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Advanced Grid Filtering with a combination of ANDs and ORs

Is it possible to do custom filtering where I combine a group of filters as ORs, but then they are ANDed with other filters


If( (LastName contains "ush" OR FirstName contains "ush") && (Age > 40) )

No Data
  • 17590
    Offline posted

    Hello rsimm,

    Thank you for posting in the community.

    I believe you might consider Advanced filtering feature  helpful for achieving your requirement.  When advanced filtering is configured then advanced filtering button is rendered next to the column header text. Once the advanced button is clicked, the "advanced" filtering dialog appear where more complex filtering conditions are available to the user. The advanced filtering dialog expose "AND" or "OR" operations in order to combine multiple filters. It allows multiple filters to be applied for a single column. However, with advanced filtering you could select whether the matching records should match all of the conditions or any of them.

    A sample project illustrating Advanced filtering could be found at:

    Additionally, we have an article in our documentation describing filtering in details and it could be found at:

    I hope you find my information helpful.

    Please let me know if you need any further assistance with this matter
