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Keyboard navigation for igCombo


I am using many igCombo elements and I notice that they do not respond like 'regular' HTML SELECT elements :

  1. Clicking  anywhere in the entry field, regular SELECTs automatically open the drop down list. You do NOT have to click the tiny down-arrow button, which is required for igCombo.
  2. If you tab to the field, regular SELECTs enable the arrow keys to scroll through the list items. igCombo does not allow this.
  3. Hitting ENTER in the regular SELECT field drops down the list of items. This does NOT happen in igCombo (ENTER does nothing when igCombo is empty, ENTER flashes the list quickly if there is a current value in the field)

These are actually 3 very big ease-of-use items, especially if there are a lot of data fields and for many users its easier to navigate through them using tabs and arrow keys, instead of going back to the mouse for every control.

Do/should you support these semi-standard usage features within igCombo?
