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Column resizing with row virtualization

The resizing feature behaves strangely with row virtualization enabled along with dynamic height and width.

I attached a sample of code. The first time the grid loads try to resize either the address or the phone column. You will see that the columns come in to each other. The column on the left will come toward the column on the right. This happens only the first time the grid is loaded.

Also, the resizing marker shoots way above the grid. The resizing line should be just in the grid, not go past it. Has this behavior been seen before?

I would like to use the same infragistics core that I am using now.

Thanks in advance.
  • 15320
    Offline posted

    Hello Mihai,

    Please note that Resizing feature is not supported with fixed virtualization, hence there could be some issues when using both features. Here is a reference to the "Known Issues and Limitations" documentation, where under 'igGridResizing' section is described this known issue: If I can provide further assistance, please let me know.



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