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Format first row differently than rest of UltraGrid

I have a working app that is being changed.  I need to have the first row of an UltraGrid formatted differently than the rest of the "grid".

I've added a comment row as the first row in the grid.

The current code formats each column using:

        For Each column As UltraGridColumn In Me.reportGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns
            If column.Key = "Year" Then
                column.Format = "G"
                column.Width = 105
                column.Format = "C0"
                column.Width = 120

        Dim ugRow As UltraGridRow
        ugRow = Me.reportGrid.Rows.Item(0)
ugRow.Format = ""

So that only the first row is formatted to allow a text format?

So far it looks like the way to do this is to use a filter as shown here: