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Binding issue for Name property in xamDataGrid Field.

I am having trouble getting this to work:

<igWpf:Field Row="2" Column="25" Name="{Binding Path=TrustGL.GLAccountNumber, Mode=OneWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Label="Cost Center"/>

i also tried:

<igWpf:Field Row="2" Column="25" Name="{Binding Path=DataContext.TrustGL.GLAccountNumber, Mode=OneWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Label="Cost Center"/>

<igWpf:Field Row="2" Column="25" Name="{igWpf:FieldBinding TrustGL.GLAccountNumber}" Label="Cost Center"/>

None of these seem to work.

Can you tell me what is required?

TrustGL is an object in an object in a collection that the DataSource is using.


  • 34510
    Offline posted

    Hi Edward,

    If TrustGL is an object inside of another object inside of a collection then none of these bindings will work.  The first thing I want to mention is that the Field class is not a FrameworkElement or DependencyObject so it is not part of the Visual Tree and it does not inherit a DataContext like a typical control would.  The DataContext property on the Field class is something Infragistics added and we set it up so that it would work in a similar manner.  The issue is, a typical binding such as "{Binding Path=TrustGL.GLAccountNumber}" won't work.  You need to specify a source for the binding.  The typical way to do this is by using "RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}".  So:

    "{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=DataContext.MyViewModelProperty}"

    Since your TrustGL object is inside another object which is inside a collection then your binding path needs to include this collection, accessing a specific item in this collection and then accessing TrustGL.  I don't know what the exact path should look like since I don't know what your structure actually looks like but it sounds like it should be something like this:


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