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Change behavior of parent checkbox


I am using WebDataGrid v11.2.  I have a 2 level tree structure with checkboxes.  I would like to change the behavior of the Parent checkbox. 

Currently,the parent checkbox represents an all or none for the children. I would like to reverse the behavior as follows:

 Currently, if the parent checkbox is checked all of the children are checked. I would like to change it to if one child is checked the parent is checked.

 Currently, ff the parent is unchecked all of the children are unchecked. I would like to keep this behavior

 Currrently, if all of the children are checked and you uncheck one child, the parent is unchecked.  I would like to change it to if you uncheck a child and others are till checked, the parent remains checked.

Basically, I want the parent to represent at least one child is checked.  Do I have to write events to do this or is it a configuration setting?
