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Group headers get mixed up

Group headers get mixed up

When I'm trying to change the order of grouped columns in the group area, the group headers in the grid get mixed up.

For example:

I group by 2 columns: Status & Mode – Everything looks ok.

When I change the order of the grouping by dragging the 'Mode' label in the group area, the group headers get mixed up, and I get the following groups:




 I think it has to do with the fact that I implemented the Loaded event of the GroupByRecordPresenter.

I did it because I needed to change the text of the group headers.

For starters, by default the group header display the value followed by '(n items)' where n stands for the number of items, and I needed to change that. (I wanted to get rid of the 'items' part).

1. Is there a way to fix this problem?

2. Is there different way to achieve what I wanted (without implementing the Loaded event of the GroupByRecordPresenter)?

I'm attaching a sample that demonstrates the problem.

(To see the problem, group by 2 columns and then switch the order between them).