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Web Data Menu Display in Visual Studio and on Server

Version: 2015 v1

Framework: 4.5

Visual Studio 2012

OS: Windows 7

Test Server: Windows 2012R2

IIS: 8.5

Adding Web Data Menu to the page in Visual Studio does not display correctly.  Tried importing and applying different style sets and it still looks like just text.

When running the application from within VS, it looks perfect with the menu bar displaying as expected and all menu items.

After deploying to the web server, the data menu displays as a blank bar.  No menu items.

I have checked that various folders and files were deployed to the server and I don't see anything but I'm sure I must be missing something.

  • 2095

    Hi Monika,

    It is hard to say from the distance what cause the problem, but the obviously some styles are not applied to the WebDataMenu.

    1) If you are adding theme in the web.config through : <infragistics.web styleSetName="ThemeName" styleSetPath="ThemePath"/>, please check ThemeName and ThemePath whether they are correct.

    2) If you including the css files on the page, you can also  check their paths. Look for some 404 errors in the browser console - they can guide you to the source of the problem.

    If this does not help, please let me know:

     - how you set the styles to the local project (when running on VS)?

     - how you set the styles to the hosted project (when running on IIS)?

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