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How to use igcombo in ASP.NET MVC 5

I'm trying to create s simple ASP.NET MVC 5 (Razor) application.

On start the contoller looks in a specified folder and makes a list of all files in this folder.

This list should be displayed in the igcombo as a dropdown-list.

When the user select a filename in the dropdown-list, the name of the selected file should be send back to the contoller.

So I created a viewmodel to transport the filenames from the controller to the view.

1. How can I bind the filenames to the dropdown-list?

2. How can I submit the selected filename?

All examples, that I found, are simple examples with only a static array in the <script> tag.

If I try this example, I can't use it in the view. When I type "@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc" in the view, VS2013 tells me, that the namespace Infragistics is unknown. But I have a reference to the Infragistics.Web.Mvc.dll assembly, and I can use it in the controller.

I there a best practice example for igcombo data binding and ASP.NET MVC? I found this, but this is not razor, and i can't use "@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc" in the view.

I also found the loadOnDemand. I think, with this option the igcombo can load the data from a dataSource only if it's needed, right? Can I use this with ASP.NET MVC?

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