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MultiLine TextBox and RowEditing


I have a WebDataGrid (and WebHierarchicalDataGrid) with EditingCore and RowEditing activated. One of the cells is a multiline text which I would like to edit (and being able to add new lines by pressing enter). However, by default, Enter closes the EditingMode.

So, first of all I added the following Editor:


<ig:TextBoxProvider ID="NewsTextEditor">

<EditorControl ID="NewsTextEditor" ClientIDMode="Predictable" TextMode="MultiLine"></EditorControl>



And assigned it to the RowEditing-ColumnSettings for the particular Field. Now, I found a solution in the forum if one uses the CellEditing by doing the following:

function WebHierarchicalDataGrid1_CellEditing_ExitingEditMode(sender, eventArgs) {

    if (eventArgs.getCell().get_column().get_key() == "NEWS_TEXT") {

       if (eventArgs.get_browserEvent().keyCode == 13) {





However, when using RowEditing, There is no eventArgs.getCell(), and even if I would ignore the column check and just cancle the Event every time:

function WebHierarchicalDataGrid1_RowEdit_ExitingEditMode(sender, eventArgs) {

    if (eventArgs.get_browserEvent().keyCode == 13) {





it does not add a new line to the text. What can I do to use multiline Editors with the RowEditing Behaviour?

Thanks a lot!