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How to implement remote paging , filtering and sorting in iggrid in MVC

Dear Team,


I am wanted to implement remote paging, filtering and sorting in one of my project which is in MVC 5. So far whatever I got from web is not enough to implement the same.

Below is my cshtml code. I am getting data from controller in json format.


        width: "100%",

        dataSource: data,

        responseDataKey: "Records",

        dataSourceType: "json",

        autoGenerateLayouts: false,

        autoGenerateColumns: false,

        columns: [

            { headerText: "No", key: "DeclarationNo",dataType: "number", template: "<a href='http://localhost:14152/Home/Sample/1'  > ${DeclarationNo} </a>" },

            { headerText: "Article No", key: "ArticleNo", template: "<a href='http://localhost:14152/Home/Sample/1'  > ${ArticleNo} </a>" },

            { headerText: "Article Name", key: "ArticleName",  template: "<a href='http://localhost:14152/Home/Sample/1'  > ${ArticleName} </a>" },

            { headerText: "Site Name", key: "SiteName", template: "<a href='http://localhost:14152/Home/Sample/1'  > ${SiteName} </a>" },




        features: [        


            name: 'Paging',

            pageSize: 5,

            type: "remote",

            pageSizeDropDownLocation: "inpager",            



            name: 'Filtering',

            type: "remote",

            mode: "advanced",

            advancedModeEditorsVisible: true,






                                    name: "ColumnMoving",

                                    addMovingDropdown: true,

                                    mode: "deferred",

                                    type: "render"




            name: "Sorting",

            type: "remote",












2 – Below is my controller code




        public ActionResult GetAllDeclaration()



            var listofDeclaration = GetPagedData();

            var model = listofDeclaration.Data.AsQueryable();

            return Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);






        public GridPagingInformation<Sample> GetPagedData(int pageSize = 10, int pageIndex = 0)


            //var data = _sampleDataProvider.GetData(stateid);

            var data = _sampleDataProvider.GetData();

            var pagedData = data.Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();




            var listofstringfile = (data.Select(x => x.ArticleNo).ToList().Distinct());

            ViewBag.StringField = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listofstringfile);





            var result = new GridPagingInformation<Sample>


                Data = pagedData,

                PageNumber = pageIndex,

                PageSize = pageSize,

                TotalRecords = data.Count



            return result;
