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depracated warnings

Love the IgniteUI library, but I get the below three warning messages in console caused by it. 

  1. 'webkitURL' is deprecated. Please use 'URL' instead.  (infragistics.core.js: 215)
  2. The XMLHttpRequest progress event property 'position' is deprecated. Please use 'loaded' instead.  (jquery-ui.min.js:6 only occurs on pages using igupload)
  3. he XMLHttpRequest progress event property 'totalSize' is deprecated. Please use 'total' instead. (jquery-ui.min.js:6 only occurs on pages using igupload)

Not show stoppers, but it would be nice if I could resolve those.

  • 8421
    Verified Answer

    Hello Andrew,

    Each of these warnings can be safely ignored. The webkitURL is used for feature detection and is part of what is used for detecting Chrome and exists for support of older browsers. The other two warnings are caused by jQuery UI rather than the Ignite UI controls. Essentially the XMLHttpRequest event is triggered and jQuery UI attempts to make a copy of the original event. When doing so it access some deprecated properties that still exist on the XMLHttpRequest event object and the warning message is thrown.

    If you have any additional questions or concerns about these warnings please let me know.