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Maximized the tile using button.

Hi all,

I need the maximized button on in the tile manager in minimized view, right now anywhere inside the tile i click its open is it possible to click the particular button it will open?

please help me.


  • 2095

    Hello, Tamilmani Mohan!

    Thank you for posting in our forum!

    First, I would like to present you our help documentation for igTileManager, where you see there is a option "preventMaximizingSelector" which you should use in your scenario. As it says, its role is: "Gets/sets JQuery selector that specifies which elements will not trigger maximizing when clicked on." and its defaults value is "a, input". So if you do not change it, the inputs and anchors will not cause maximize of the tile. So what do you have to do is to redefine it - preventMaximizingSelector = "".

    Then place button into the tile through its minimize template: minimizedState: '<input type="button" value="maximize" />' , and in the end handle the click on this button. Because the click on the button and the click on the tile will cause maximizing, we will handle this event and in it we will check which is the element that causes the maximizing. If it is the button - maximizing should happen, otherwise (for all others elements in the tile, including the tile itself) we will cancel it.

    tileMaximizing: function (evt, ui) {
       var element =;
       if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "input") {
          return false;

    In such a way you will be able to trigger tile maximizing only by clicking on the button, placed inside the tile.